
> The reason why it hasn't been done is simple... because no one
> has actually stepped up to find all the redundant information
> and send patches to the various projects to fix it up.  CVS
> access isn't the problem.  Finding someone with the itch, time
> and motivation is.

That is the answer I would have hoped (and expected) to hear.  It wasn't
what I heard.

A bit of background.  I had made a comment about shared documents on
infrastructure@ in response to someone saying that for most Java
programmers, Apache is Jakarta, and they never ever look at  In response to my comment about the desirability of
centralizing sharing policy and procedure documents to make them easier to
reference and maintain, I heard:

  - "you could move the dead content to the ASF but you would not be
     moving the community that created and maintains it."

  - "if these pages were removed into the central site then this
     would be a much bigger barrier and take a lot more energy.
     unless i felt very strongly, i'd probably not bother. i'd
     probably add the information to a jakarta subproject website."

  - "it's not reasonable to expect the jakarta pmc to enforce what
     you describe. i would not support any veto of a change to the
     website on the basis that the material should have been
     submitted to the ASF site."

Emotional, real or otherwise, there is at least a non-unique perception that
having to submit a patch is far more work that vs committing directly.  That
was one of the reasons given for why people copy documents into their own
CVS space, rather than build shared content for the ASF community.

Right now the sample size is tiny, so I would not make any claims as to the
overall attitude towards shared content.  I hope that your view is the more
common one.

Meanwhile, I have created, which
just attempts to collect and collate policies and procedures pages that
people (in the initial dump, me) think have shareable content.  It is a
first step to let us all "[step] up to find all the redundant information."

        --- Noel

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