
After the Tetsuya decision [http://www.apache.org/~tetsuya/]

Resigned the Editor of the Apache Newsletter (20th October, 2003)

I have encontered feels: sad/angry/fear:

Because we see us sometimes as managers, that can screams on every member
as they like without respecting the effort they did. From my point of
view, this is not functional in a OS community, when nobody is tied for a
pay. That means you don't must to hear the screams and shut up because you
need the money for eat. This is not good at all. I am really sad. :(

Because we lose a key point: a community newsletter that will helps in
overall in the ASF. I hope I am wrong and maybe someone else will take the

Because I saw how we cut the wings of new people that bring new ideas to
the ASF at all, mainly people who try to do his best effort by working on
new areas as the marketing and promotion of the software developed by the
ASF. Every software company, project, club and even fundation benefits
from key players that brings new and innovating ideas and even better try
to implements this ideas. So this is not a good idea to "cut wings" of
these people. Soon or later this will have a negative impact in the AFS.
Of course is very easy send a mail with a new idea. But it is harder to
make reality this new idea. I think we know about this.

Because is this type of the situations will continue, this will have a
negative impact in the ASF. I hope I am worng with this.

So, I wrote this mails to try to give out of my mind some of the ideas I
felt like reading the Tetsuya resignation.

On the other way, I wonder how Tetsuya gives the job too easily. If I
think an idea is good, I defend it. Even better I try and will try to show
that the idea is good. But of course this is my own character and I cannot
expect everybody will act as me. Maybe the shirt was to big for him. Who
knows? So found the first oportunity to go away. Sincerely, I dont know
and I hope I am wrong here too. The time will tell the true. I will be
glad to see Tetsuya back as the editor of the newsletter.

On the other hand. I see the "respect for the others" as a keyword in the
community and mainly in the mail lists not only inside ASF but every
where. We all human's beens needs to live in society and one of the very
basics fundations is this word respect. This is not a casuality that in
every religion around the world (choose whatever) there is a rule about
how you need to interact with the other people.

I undestand that we need to point out the errors and problems we see
inside the ASF. Also I see the importance of this. But as usual, there are
more than one way to said the same thing:


1. way: Hey?!, you idiot, where your brain was when you did that?
2. way: Please, can you correct this?

The 2 ways show the same: "There is an error that we try to point out." I
know the dramatization is very black and white style, but I prefer to do
the dramatizations in that way to make clear they are total oposite.

Someone's call it "politics" or "diplomacy" but this is the way the world
works. If people get something like the "1. way" the reaction is:

Resigned the Editor of the Apache Newsletter (20th October, 2003)

I guess if we had choosed the "2. way" then the reaction will be the
oposite vector. And we will got a better newsletter next time. Instead,
there at the time of writing, there will not be a next release at all. So
this is very bad. :(

At the end, I need to said I am also a new committer (I just have 1
months). I am proud of be part of this great community and I try to make
my best effort here. But, I think this a key point is the respect that we
need to considerate when we write every mail.

Please blame be if I am wrong. Note, I am not pointing my finger to no
one. I just trying to do an overall constructive critict.

So next time, even when you will be really upset by the action of other
member, think it almost two times before start writing the reply. This is
for the good of the community. ;-D

Blame me if you wish. :-D

That is all, folks!

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

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