On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Santiago Gala wrote:
> Classified for reading until I finish a proposal ;-)
> A nice scheme against spam, I read about some time ago, was about
> requiring the email sender to compute a computationally difficult
> challenge before the email was accepted, for uknown/untrusted senders,
> something that could take 1 sec CPU time for a reasonable processor.
> The idea was raising the cost of sending spam and putting it where it
> belongs. Trusted senders, like the ASF, for instance, would not be
> required to do it.
> So, a spammer would have to pay like 1 TeraInstruction per message, and
> a reasonable PC would send no more than say 3000 spams per hour. This,
> BTW, would make desirable to send signed messages for bulk senders,
> since those would be much "cheaper" to send.

Ouch.  Daedalus.apache.org sends out over 1M messages per day, and at
bursty times 100 per second.  How do we convince a non-trivial number of
hosts to trust us and not require that computation?


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