James Mitchell asked:

> From their online demo:

> System Error
> A system error has occurred.
> [...]
> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
> [...]
> Total Memory: 346 MB
> Free Memory: 2 MB
> Used Memory: 344 MB

> I don't recall ever seeing that in Bugzilla.
> I assume that this won't happen to us???

That would be our goal, and one of the reasons for asking people to beat up
on our test installation.  :-)  Steps that we can take to avoid the problem
you experienced on Atlassian's demonstration site, include:

 - We already allocate twice their heap space.
 - We can use the Java Service Wrapper* to monitor
   for such exceptions, and automatically restart.
 - other practices intended to improve webapp availability
   and reliability.

So thank you for the report, and be sure to notify [EMAIL PROTECTED] of any
problem with our Jira installation, so that we can make sure that Atlassion
knows of them.  AIUI, many of the changes between 2.5.0 and 2.5.3 are due to
their looking at what it takes to support our needs.

        --- Noel

* see: http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.org/

  I don't know if Jakarta Commons daemon supports
  that feature, but if/when it does that would be
  an equivalent approach.

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