Ted Leung wrote:

> If we had some kind of record (like a FOAF file) that we stick krell,
> and planet* and whatever data in, that would be good.  We're starting
> to have data all over the place.  members.txt, urls.txt, and probably
> more that I'm not remembering.  Be nice to have an authoritative file
> that can generate all the rest (in their existing formats so as not
> to break working code).

Sander and I have been mulling over using LDAP for this purpose.  It
supports all of the kinds of data we need, is integrated with all sorts of
authentication mechanisms, and is supported by many languages.  From that we
could have tools to emit the existing files, and people could start to
migrate their tools to work directly off of the LDAP database.

        --- Noel

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