> We've been approached by OASIS to see if it makes sense to join them.
> This is a call out to Community to see if that makes sense.

> There are a number of obstacles when working with OASIS (or the w3c for
> that matter) compared to working with some of the other/normal standards
> bodies such as the IETF.

> But having said that - we've been able to resolve these issues in the
> past with some other similar organisations.

We all know how aggravated some people were with various JSRs that were
developed in a less than open fashion.  The JCP has changed.  There are
issues regarding OSS and TCK compliance claims.  People are working on them.

OASIS owns similarly critical things.  So, yes, I see that there is enough
benefit, if we have people who are willing to do the heavylifting of taking
a can opener to their processes.

        --- Noel

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