Sun is the final stages of collecting requirements for the releases that
will follow Tiger, which means the next 3 years.  So here's your chance to
tell Sun what you would like to see in J2SE versions 6 and 7.  Once we
gather all of the ideas, we can try to see if we can prioritize the list.

I have created a wiki page to collect the information.  Please DO NOT reply
to this message.  Instead, please use (so that we
have one open list) to discuss your ideas.

PLEASE NOTE: In order for this information to have the most impact, Sun
needs it by end of this week (October 29th).  [The short time is not Sun's
fault.  They had asked earlier in the summer, but the ball got dropped.  I
just ran into the J2SE lead, who raised the issue again].

        --- Noel

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