Quoting Rodent of Unusual Size <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> > this is cool!  Any chance we can get labeled x and y axis?
> No, not unless you can convince of a way to do it that makes
> sense.  As I said,
> > The graph is for showing trends *only*.  Both the post-count and
> > the subscriber-count lines are scaled properly, but each uses
> > its *own* scale to fit nicely into the chart.  So you can safely
> > say, 'Cool!  More and more people are subscribing!' but not
> > necessarily, 'Cool!  Four people subscribed last Tuesday!'
> Trying to put numbers on it would require two sets of numbers, in
> two colours, on both axes.  And to make them legible would require
> enlarging the image, which would make the page considerably longer.

The second paragraph on the page is contextually removed from the graphs. 
Personally, I only looked at the graphs and didn't have a clue what the blue
lines and red lines meant.
Labels without units would be nice.  Or just a small "key" or "legend" link by
each graph which targets the 2nd paragraph (which then should be labelled "key"
or "legend").

Sorry for so much nit-pickyness.  It's really cool to see the work you've put in
to this.

Dave Brondsema : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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http://www.splike.com : programming

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