If you're interested in helping on the 2008 ApacheCon websites, let me
know.  The current plan is to move from the Ruby on Rails code we
currently have to a Drupal based site using the Conference Organizing
Distribution [1], but we're still open for ideas and suggestions.

My hope is to work on these sites during the Atlanta hackathon, so if
you'll be there, find me.  If you'd like to help on the sites and
won't be in Atlanta, feel free to send me an email.  Not sure exactly
how we're going to organize this, but we'll figure that out.

  J Aaron Farr     jadetower.com        [US] +1 724-964-4515 
    馮傑仁          cubiclemuses.com     [HK] +852 8123-7905  

[1] http://groups.drupal.org/conference-organizing-distribution

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