harrison valetski <ikste...@gmail.com> wrote:

Is there a way to contact the list admin/owner for mail-archive?

All public mailing lists at the ASF are archived on our own systems. You can find an archive for this community@ list here:


Another page describing how we archive some other general mailing lists, including details on how to send commands to the list is here:


Which answers your question:

To find out more about a list's features, including how to contact the list 
owner, send a message to


Note that many other organizations also archive some of our mailing lists. The MarkMail site has a great visualization and search engine that includes most Apache lists:


- Shane

To unsubscribe, e-mail: community-unsubscr...@apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: community-h...@apache.org

  • Re: Hello Ross Gardler
    • Re: Hello Shane Curcuru

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