Hi everyone,

I'm happy to announce the program of the Flink Forward EU 2019 conference.
The conference takes place in the Berlin Congress Center (bcc) from October
7th to 9th.

On the first day, we'll have four training sessions [1]:
* Apache Flink Developer Training
* Apache Flink Operations Training
* SQL Developer Training
* Apache Flink Tuning & Troubleshooting

On the following two conference days, we'll have a great lineup of more
than 60 talks [2] including speakers from Amazon AWS, bol.com, Criteo,
Goldman Sachs, Lyft, Netflix, Pinterest, Stripe, Uber, and Alibaba.

Flink Forward is an excellent opportunity to learn about Flink use cases,
recent Flink features, cutting-edge stream processing research, and best
practices of running Flink applications in production.
It's also a great place to connect and mingle with the Flink community.

For all members of the Flink community who are subscribed to a Flink
mailing list, we offer a 25% discount on conference tickets with the
following code: FFEU19-MailingList

You can register for the conference at
-> https://berlin-2019.flink-forward.org/register

Hope to see you there,

Btw. If you are a committer for any Apache project, you can get a free
ticket if you register with your Apache email address and the discount
code: FFEU19-ApacheCommitter

[1] https://berlin-2019.flink-forward.org/training-program
[2] https://berlin-2019.flink-forward.org/conference-program

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