Hello FC community,

I am pleased to announce that I just finished writing an updated
firmware architecture document that accurately describes our current
Magnetite and Selenite firmwares; this new document can be found in
the newly created FreeCalypso docs repository:


Our previous fw architecture document was written in 2015 at a time
when I was pursuing the approach of reintegrating from the bottom up,
and the document reflected that architecture.  That approach of
reintegrating from the bottom up (that culminated in FC Citrine) has
since then been deemed a dead end and fully retired, and our current
Magnetite and Selenite firmwares follow the original TCS211 architecture
much more faithfully, resulting in dramatically improved stability and
functionality.  There was little documentation up until now, but the
new document which I just put out covers TI's original TCS211 fw first
and then explains how Magnetite and Selenite build upon it.  This
document is required reading for anyone who wishes to understand how
our firmware really works.

I am not fully done with this round of documentation writing, though:
while the TCS211-fw-arch document is complete for now, I still need to
write one more document specific to Magnetite that will explain how
the source tree of Magnetite is structured to allow both pure TCS211
and TCS2/TCS3 hybrid builds (blob-laden and blob-free, respectively)
to be made, as well as some specifics of the Magnetite build system.
Then maybe another document in the same spirit for Selenite.  Stay
tuned for these additional documents, but the one I just put out
should be sufficient for a good theoretical understanding.

Hasta la Victoria, Siempre,
Mychaela aka The Mother
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