On 11/27/06, Sean Moss-Pultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I asked one of our hardware engineers to provide a bit more information
about the video prospects. Here is what he said:

"Certainly it can show some fps video. However, the LCD refresh bus
bandwidth will be determined by LCD display size, bit per pixel, memory bus
width, memory type ... and so on. For example, for 640x480,8bpp,60
frame/sec, 16-bit data bus, sdram HCLK = 60MHz:
The LCD data rate = 8x640x480x30/8 = 18.432 Mbyte/s
LCD DMA burst count = 18.432/16 = 1.152M/s
Pdma = (Trp+Trcd+CL+(2x4)+1)x(1/60Mhz) = 0.25(ms)
LCD system load = 1.152x250=0.288
So under such conditions, the neo1973 system bus occupation rate by LCD =

Ah, thanks! You know, I guess I should have started with the
user-manual link on the same page ages ago (well worth a look for
those with a thirst for info):

The figures above are optimal, but assuming I have roughly the
equivalent of a p100 or so left to play with.. plus hardware
scrolling.. expect a port of the best amiga game of all time..


It's not currently in any decent language, natch.. but I suspect that
if I create a mini-framework to dev-test in SDL and wrap any SDL
commands cleanly..  it should be a simple(ish) final port.

Hmm.. there's a lot of fun games which could be written upon this
platform.. any old-school game-writers out there?


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