On Sun, Feb 11, 2007 at 11:14:36AM -0600, Ryan Kline wrote:
> Martin--
>       If you go to the main site for this list 
>       (https://lists.openmoko.org/ mailman/listinfo/community) and scroll to 
> the 
> bottom of the page  where it says community Subscribers, you can enter your 
> email and  password and view a list of everyone subscribed to the community 
> list. Hope this helps!
> -Ryan
> (Wow, I actually partially answered a question. I'm only 13, what the  
> heck?)
> _______________________________________________
> OpenMoko community mailing list
> community@lists.openmoko.org
> https://lists.openmoko.org/mailman/listinfo/community

                I have not noticed that there is something else on that
                site than just subscribe option.

        To the record:
                There are 845 people, which 199 are receiving digest.
        234  gmail
        39 yahoo
        2 fic.com.tw
        2 openmoko.org
        8 hotmail
        the others uses either private domains or freemails in small numbers

                        Marin Kupec

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