Gabriel Ambuehl schrieb:
> On Monday 12 February 2007 17:18:35 Joe Pfeiffer wrote:
>> I don't mind it a bit.  One way
>> corporations have destroyed an incredible amount of good-will in the
>> past has been by trying to retain a too-tight control over their
>> trademarks 
> The problem with trademark law is that if you don't protect your trademarks, 
> you can lose them. So arguably companies are pressed to close down fan sites 
> using unauthorized logos...

Just for the records: This is only partially true. The law does not
force the trademark owners to force-close sites or otherwise deny the
use of the trademarks. They could as well allow the use under their
specific terms. But in most cases the owners simply do not want that.
The law just sais that they must not ignore unacknowledged use.

  nils faerber

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