Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I'd like to check it out, and
possibly write a recipe for setting up in this.

Simplest: Setup the VM with Ubuntu 6.10; follow instructions on OpenMoko wiki. I don't think a special script will be very useful here since there isn't much (if anything) to do beyond what's in the Wiki.

NB: Make sure your VM's hard drive is big enough. 8 GB isn't. 40 GB should be;) Mine is currently at 8.09 GB (on OSX; 7.981 MB in 'df - k') ... get it right the first time so that you don't have to deal with creating a new virtual HD & getting the data copied, the HD partitioned correctly, etc...

Can you install any environment of your choice inside, or is it whatever it

Win/XP, Vista (Ultimate, but that's M$'s deal)
pretty much any Linux flavor
hacked OSX (OSX checks for "real" hardware)

Have you set up OE under this? If you send me any rough notes you have (or
post to the list) I'll test and write up a recipe.

Yes, I've successfully compiled 'nano' under OE/BB on an Ubuntu 6.10 VM running in Parallels on an Intel-iMac (c2d @ 2.16 GHz). As I said before, there really isn't much to it - just make sure the VM hard drive is big enough ;) I guess you can do screen shots if you want to. - MLD

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