David Schlesinger wrote:

>This is a BIG hardware design mistake IMHO.

I think you should go right out and build your _own_ phone. Tell us all about it when you get done.

Kinda strange reply. I have to admit your reply is completely useless and even looks like an insult. Next time please keep such phrases to yourself, your family, dog or even /dev/null unless you're openmoko official (and if you are, it is ok to unsubscribe me then, since I'm do not like idea to spend my time on peoples who posts useless insults as reply).

As for me, I'm want to see openmoko success. I did pointed that lots of people are unhappy that there is no wi-fi (just seen reaction on few linux fan sites). What's wrong? It is forbidden to report weak places which are able to affect project's success?


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