On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:35, ryan lerch wrote:
hi all,

just a friendly reminder that we are getting a lot of people
subscribing to and posting to this community list that may not know
all the mailing list etiquette that you do.

So please be nice to these new-comers, and be patient with them;

* if a topic is raised that has been discussed and resolved before -
point them to the mailing list archives or where they can read about
the answer.

Even better, find a place to summarise and document the discussion on
the wiki - a formatted wiki page is 100 times easier to read than
digging through months of mailing list archives... :P

* if they ask, what is in your eyes a "stupid question" remember that
at one stage you knew little or nothing about the openmoko project:
they are just interested in getting an opensource mobile device (just
like the rest of us..  :P )

* i have also noticed that many newcomers obviously have not been
members of online communities or online development communities
before; if you come across one of these people, be nice and show them
the ropes.

Is it possible to have the 'welcome' email point them to those locations automatically? Then they could have the information right from the start.. Plus maybe some general guidelines for posting... Might be good also.

Just a thought.

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