Mike Hodson wrote:
On 2/28/07, Jonathon Suggs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The reason that I ask is that on my PocketPC phone (iMate PDA2K), there
is supposedly a hardware limitation that will not allow for this to
occur.  It can have the bluetooth headset button initiate the program,
but it cannot use the bluetooth headset to transfer the audio to the
program.  It has to use the built-in microphone for routing audio to the
voice command software.  I don't remember specifics, but I think it was
because the bluetooth module tied to the gsm module in hardware or
something along those lines.

All of that to ask, is the bluetooth implementation on this device going
to have that same limitation?  I was looking through the wiki and
noticed the bluetooth is connected to the USB Host Controller...so I am
hopeful it won't suffer the same limitation.

I'm going out on a limb here and hypothesizing again, however it may
shed some light:

My understanding of how the OpenMoko software stack works, is that it
will be using some a software audio routing interface, either direct
ALSA or gstreamer (tied into ALSA as the audio access method). The
audio can go between the mic/speaker thru the wolfson codec, or you
can  switch it to the bluetooth device.

By being connected to the USB bus, this works exactly like every
current Linux computer with bluetooth: as of now, the BlueZ stack can
do SCO / headset, and they are working daily on properly working A2DP
(advanced audio) stereo codec support both as alsa modules.  It would
then be my guess, that all the OpenMoko software would have to do, is
change the alsa input/output by responding handsfree button or avrcp
commands (for stereo headsets).
That sounds reasonable and based on what I can see about the hardware in the wiki seems correct. So unless someone sees a problem, then I think we are good to go with that.

So, somewhere in the configuration there needs to be a setting for handling BT headset (and button presses). The first thing should be a checkbox for "Respond to Headset Presses" then if it is checked, then it will have a box for a command to run. The command would be (from my previous example) "/path/to/VoiceControl". I guess there should also be another checkbox for "Route Audio to Headset" which would do just that. Allowing my previous scenario of being able to initiate voice commands from the BT headset possible.

Does this make sense to everyone?

The reason I think this is so useful is that it can make the phone (with a BT headset) operateable without having to ever touch it (useful while driving). You could have the phone docked and say "Run GPS" or "Call John Smith" or "Show John Smith" or "Directions to John Smith" and it take the appropriate action all while keeping you eyes on the road. There are plenty of other possibilities, but those are just the ones that I find useful.

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