
I will be also glad to focus on such a project. 

As a note, a talking mobile, offering eyes-free applications can
probably interest visually impaired or sighted persons. 

Today, the Linux desktop offers several alternatives for speech enabling
applications. For example:
* Speakup, Yasr, Emacspeak in text-based mode.
* The Gnome Accessibility Project, particularly, the Orca and LSR screen
readers, distinct Accessibility APIs. 

Does some of these concepts may benefit to a mobile with native GTK+
based applications?

I guess that firstly an evaluation is needed to measure its
The Speakup and Gnome Accessibility lists have been informed of this

For info, eSpeak is a GPL voice synthesizer: http://espeak.sf.net
Some features:
- multi languages,
- small footprint,
- runs on Intel or ARM platforms.

Today it works with Orca, Speakup (via Speech-Dispatcher), Emacspeak and
more. eSpeak will be the default voice synthesizer in Ubuntu Feisty. 


Oralux http://oralux.org

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