Mark Eichin writes:
>Speaking of USB -- the openmoko has a USB device port on the side
>(that's being discussed in this thread) and internally has a USB host,
>according to
>but I what I haven't seen clarified - is the USB host port brought
>outside at all?

Hardware yes, software no at present (I'm told).

The USB connector is actually a Mini-AB, so either a host or a device
can be plugged in.  At present the software only enables the phone as
a device (I'm not quite sure how the handshake would work to just
notice that a device was plugged into it; it's not a full USB
On-The-Go stack).

>(At a high level, my use case is "take pictures from my real camera
>and upload them directly to flickr" :-)  That requires either an SD
>slot, or USB host to talk to the card directly (or USB to talk to the
>camera, but that's less portable.) I'm trying to see if I can do this
>with the FIC1973, possibly with simple warrantee violating hardware

It's my understanding that it would "only" require software changes.

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