When you look at the board you see that there is not much space left.
It seems there's no GSM, no WiFi, no other chip already.

i've heard talk elsewhere of a built in cdma module. that's an odd
choice considering the number of operators switching to gsm, but i
would assume via will change/add to this down the track

And as I always say: The only reason for using x86 in small and embedded
devices is running Windows.
I really don't want to have Windows on my phone. No CE/Mobile, exceptionally
no XP/Vista. Do you? :)

hell no, i ditched win long since. but some people will
and there are a number of closed pieces of software only available for
x86. flash is one of them, shockwave another. maybe skype, i'm not
sure what that runs on
add in things like a half decent fpu (compared to arm anyway) and the
platform starts to approach desktop functionality for all sorts of
applications. as the oqo has partly shown, there's no reason a mobile
(pc/phone) can't be a desktop as well with the addition of a proper
qwerty kb and monitor when the user gets to the office

this is an awesome development, i'm in 2 minds myself whether to buy a
pico itx or wait for this next year

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