hmmm, you do have a good point... I just had this horrible vision of a full
screen ripple... if you constrained it to the control that was touched, it
could be a very subtle, visually stimulating effect... not to mention, it
confirms really well exactly which control was touched, and if, say the
button, activated on RELEASE you've got a way to detect and correct
accidental button pushes (if you get the wrong button, slide your finger off
onto some other portion of the screen... have the GUI system then disregard
the touch).

taking it one step farther, have the vibrating system (I think I remember us
having one, right) react to the ripples... when they reach the outside of
the constraining control, have it give you a little "kick" like dropping a
rock into a bucket: you feel the waves hit when the ripples hit the edge

It's stuff like this that really makes you appreciate an open device: if the
effect is THAT annoying, just turn it off, if you like it, turn it on


On 7/7/07, Ryan Prior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A ripple effect does NOT need to be something annoying, like the current
Beryl effect is. It could be a single pronounced, fast-moving, tiny ripple
that lasts for a tenth of a second and is followed by one more ripple which
is just as fast but less pronounced. Furthermore, the effect could only
trigger on GUI button touch events, not every touch on the phone. A drag
could produce a similar but distinguishable ripple effect, reminding the
user of dragging a finger in water. The theme could be called "Wishing
Well", and could be water and fantasy themed.

Think of the larger picture -- themes that take advantage of this neat eye
candy, not just adding an annoying ripple effect (with an easy "toggle off"
button) to normal OpenMoko themes.

On 7/7/07, Jeff Andros <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sudarshan,
> Could be really cool, especially as a reply to the iphone people (iphone
> guy: I've got multitouch! me: my phone ripples, and when I close a window it
> lights on fire(isn't blowing mac people's minds what beryl's for?)) but I
> really think it's something that should be able to turn off REALLY quick...
> something that would get annoying very fast.
> as for performance, the version released october-ish was announced to
> have a graphics accellerator onboard... if you can offload your effect to
> that, shouldn't be a problem
> really makes you wonder about a version of beryl for mobile devices...
> you could create a lot of effects... as long as it's as easy to switch back
> and forth, I'm a fan
> On 7/7/07, Sudharshan S < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> > I got this idea of a small eye candy after having a look at beryl. How
> > about when, someone touches the touchscreen ripples get generated with
> > the point of contact as the centre. Am not sure how useful this could
> > be
> > but, i feel this would be a nice "fluidy" feedback to the onscreen
> > keyboard. Given the FPU on the neo, I am also curious what kind of
> > performance deteriotation we are looking at and the difficulty level
> > in
> > implementing such a hack.
> >
> > Regards
> > Sudharshan S
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> --
> Jeff
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