I managed to place an order a few hours ago (finally... had lots of
problems actually submitting the form the first time).  It says

Openmoko Online Shop - Step 3/3 (complete)
Your Order request has been processed.
You will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.

but I didn't receive the confirmation yet.  Is that a bad sign or does
it really take up to 24 hours?

On 7/9/07, Krzysztof Kajkowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One comment - my mail server has greylist filtering enabled and it seems the 
confirmation mail got stuck - the mail server logs revealed that something was inbound 
immediately after purchase but it was "temporarily rejected" because of the way 
greylisting works..
> (I placed my order around 23:58 UTC on 2007-07-09.)
> Hope I'll be getting the phones anyway :)

I also have greylisting enabled but I was able to receive confirmation
mail with no problem  at all.



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