On 7/20/07, Jeff Rush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been reading the archives of the various OpenMoko lists and I've
a significant number of people who admit they are not programmers at all,
that this is their first exposure to Linux.

I'm curious what a non-programmer is going to do with this device in the
few months.  And if your first use of Linux is on the device itself, and
run Windows on your desktop, how you're going to grow your Linux skills
effectively develop applications.  Just seems odd to me, but maybe I'm
overlooking something. ;-)

BTW, there are threads of discussion here that are answered by digging
the source code released so far.  I've seen some people asking the
team to spell how how this or that is going to be done (events from calls)
guys, its in the source and at this stage we're expected to be developers.
While waiting for our oders, we should be setting up our development
environment, reading thru the source given so far, and writing test
to run within the QEMU environment, to get ready.  I doubt once the device
arrives in the mail that it will come with a manual that makes all things
clear or that the functionality on the device will be useful for much by
itself -- you'll still have to dive into the source.

As an embedded developer myself, the less than smooth way things are
and the rough nature of the device itself are normal and expected when
engineering a new device.  Those used to a consumer device may not
this as they rarely get a peek into the process like FIC is giving us.

And I'd just like to say to the OpenMoko team "thanks" for giving us this
device and opening it up so that we can participate in its shaping.  That
decisions on how things are going to be done are not yet made is a -good-
thing, people.  The journey is the reward for geeks, not the final
of a polished, shrink-wrap consumer gadget.


In some points i agree, but i think as an application developer you should
not have to look into the code of gsmd, or whatever. As an application
programmaer, i (usually) expect some sort of interface wich i can use, and
wich is documented. Because if every application diggs deap in some sort of
demons/driver/whatever, and some piece of code changes, then we're all
fucked up (sorry for the expression).

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