2007/8/8, Igor Foox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I've successfully used Nikolaus Schaller's  AJZaurusUSB and OpenMoko
> Flasher applications to flash a new rootfs onto my new Neo. But I
> can't flash a new kernel into it. When I try flashing a kernel with
> OpenMoko Flasher it tries to write it into the rootfs partition
> instead of the kernel partition. I currently don't have access to a
> computer running linux natively, so I can't use dfu-util directly.
> Any suggestions on how to get a new kernel on the device?

What command do you use to flash kernel?

I am also struggling with dfu-util on Mac:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Downloads/OpenMoko
Flasher-1.app/Contents/MacOS/Sources/dfu-util/src$ sudo ./dfu-util -a
3  -R -D 

dfu-util - (C) 2007 by OpenMoko Inc.
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

Opening USB Device 0x0000:0x0000...
Found Runtime: [0x1457:0x5119] devnum=0, cfg=0, intf=0, alt=3, name="kernel"
Claiming USB DFU Interface...
Setting Alternate Setting ...
Cannot set alternate interface: usb_set_altinterface: could not set
alternate interface

I use AJZaurusUSB 0.5.3


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