Nick Johnson wrote:
On 8/16/07, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 16 Aug 2007, at 00:07, Nick Johnson wrote:
The list server is clearly the issue here, failing to accept messages
in a timely fashion.
It's only affecting GMail messages.

I believe people with providers other than gmail (and not just those
using google apps, like myself) have also reported issues. GMail is
just less patient than most - it's still only an issue because the
list server is taking a long time to respond. How long _should_ a mail
server wait for a reply? Forever?
Case in point - I just got a duplicate of your message.

Maybe openmoko needs a new, faster mailserver? More mailserver bandwidth? Or how about a duplicate message filter at the list level? I've gotten at least 100 duplicates today, this is getting really old. I have a filter for removing duplicates in thunderbird, but it leaves the newest duplicate, so I'm having to 'mark as read' the same messages over and over.
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