Marco Barreno wrote:
On Thu, Aug 30, 2007 at 07:21:03AM +0100, thus spake Rui Castro:
Hi everybody,

Can anyone tell me what the differences will be between GTA02v1 and GTA02v2?
And if GTA02v1 will be on sale for developers?
I am planning on buying 2 Neos, one for me and one for my girlfriend.
If GTA02v1 will turn out to be a usable device I could buy a GTA02v1
for development and later generic use and one GTA02v2.

Best regards,
Rui Castro

Here is the wiki page with the comparison:

Probably the most relevant things are addition of WiFi and the
accelerometer.  Next most relevant are a better battery and more flash

Don't forget the graphics accelerator!

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