On 9/11/07, David R. Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> wayne wrote:
> > hoho, i can write c \ c++ and python.
> > any thing i can do for openmoko ?
> > i'v just finished to make one mplayer front for moto a1200/e6.
> > please tell me.
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Media_Player is currently at the status
> "May never be implemented". The current SVN code doesn't work, simply
> because gstreamer doesn't yet work (while alsa does: I've played music
> files from /media/card using ogg123).

I have seen a commit just this morning by the username abraxa for
openmoko-mediaplayer2 with changes to a lot of files. But that doesn't
mean it is actively developed.
Anyway, I managed to play some songs after manually creating a
playlist (the in-program editor does not work).

Don't know, however, if mediaplayer supports or ever will video media.


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