In this case it is a very valid issue and definitely not a complaint or a whine. It basically tanks one of the largest consumer bases and it tanks my project in my company until I find something else.

You left out one important part in your mail below.
Will GPS work without trouble, is it in any way affected by the bandwidth issue. I would surely think not, but if y0ou want to market this to someone as a PDA only, then definitely give the complete information sucha as include GPS usability in NA.

Pietro "m0nt0" Montorfano wrote:
So, ok, the NEO does NOT support 850/1900 MHz band, this is an issue, FIC is informed of that and i think that they are evaluating the possibilities to make it working, so please just stop crying at the list "my neo here isn't working..." ok, i understand the problem and i understand you, but receiving a tons of similar mail is boring. AFAIK FIC members read the list, and now are just considering some solutions (at least i hope).

So in conclusion, the replies at the FAQ on this issue are (forgive me if appear a bit rude but it's due to my english): I live in north america, i have my NEO dev edition and i can't get the signal, what i can do? sell your neo, it's an hardware/firmware/software issue, so it can't be fixed with a simple software upgrade
I need the 850 support should i buy the neo now?
No you don't have to until you want a good pda whitout the possibility to make phone calls I live in NA and i usually stay in my big city, will the neo get the signal? May be, it will probably get it but it's not assured, you can try to verify somehow if the bands supported by the neo are covering your area
What can i do to make the neo supporting those bands?
you can do nothing
What is FIC doing about this?
Don't know, i hope they are considering some solutions for this issue
Last but not least: which are the solutions which FIC is considering?
The solutions are:
1) do nothing, at least for the GTA02, maybe a fix in GTA03 or something similar 2) produce 2 separate phone, 1 for the NA and another one for the Rest Of The World (identical phone except the capability to get the 850/1900 band INSTEAD the 900/1800 one) 3) make a nice community poll to ask if the members can wait another 2 month (the time is just something I think) to redesign the hardware and fix the firmware so that we can have a full quad band phone)

The 3rd solution was not proposed but it's another way to solve the problem, honestly i don't mind about the quad band, i live in italy and i don't think i'll ever come to america, if i'll do that i'll use some other cheap phone, but i think that it's important for other community member to have it working in quad band way, so i'll wait if the community will decide to wait and obviously FIC will consider this solution.



P.S. We will wait for some FIC official solution.

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