I really like your idea. I also think that GTA02 will have enough power for a small notebook-replacement for a bit hacking, writing or something like this.

Up until my catastrophic u-boot and debug board failure (grr..) I had been using my GTA01 for the last couple of weeks just fine as a really, really nice little python development machine .. I got an Apple Wireless Keyboard hooked up with it over bluetooth, and the combination of a fine little keyboard wirelessly connected to the GTA01 is indeed a very nice laptop replacement. With a little bit of Terminal-font love, a well-integrated VNC client, and perhaps some stability in the windowing department, for sure the GTA01 - and thus the GTA02 - could function very nicely as a laptop replacement. I really look forward to that eventuality, once I get a working and stable GTA01 rig up and running again ..

Count me in for a 6-pack of GTA02's, while we're at it.

Jay Vaughan

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