Am 29.01.2008 um 15:30 schrieb rakshat hooja:

I just saw the following link. Edition&referer=About

According to this it seems that it is possible to at least boot quantum step on the Neo. Anyone know if the PIM applications on quantum step are usable on the the Neo. I currently use

Yes, it can boot. And you can start some preliminary PIM functions that are already sketched: (screen shot comes from very old AppKit) ( --- " --- )

But you can't really use them so far. One key issue is that we have no config to use a bluetooth keyboard. And inter-process communication fails so the on-screen keyboard doesn't interwork.

Ubuntu to connect with my Neo but I do have a mac book and if the quantum step PIM can sync with the mac it would be great.

Syncing is planned but not ready. But you can expect perfect and complete sync between a Mac and QuantumSTEP since both will use the same data structures for contacts, events, tasks etc. So there will be no data loss by syncing.

I have sent out a request for alpha/beta testers today.

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