JW, Pietro, roh -

OK, the confusion even exist within OpenMoko :-)
So it's definitely something we need to find out soon.

I think it's like JW said, roh thinks it's like Pietro said.
Stay tuned, we will find out soon...

On Feb 3, 2008, at 5:29 PM, Joachim Steiger wrote:

Pietro "m0nt0" Montorfano wrote:
JW ha scritto:
Hi Openmoko community

The wiki needs to present clear information.

There is one area where it is pretty bad at the moment and that is in
all the
confusing references to neo's and GTA01s and GTA02s.

It seems to me there is now a clear structure

1) Neo1973 has internal codename (GTA01xxx)
2) Freerunner has internal codename (GTA02xxx)


Hey, i think that you are a bit confused, asi've understood the names are:

Neo 1973     -> the phone, gta01 or gta02, is always the neo 1973
gta01xxx      -> first version of the phone for devs
gta02xxx      -> second version of the phone that has to be released
soon (oh we are waiting for it... :D)
FreeRunner  -> another name to refer to the gta02xxx just to have a
friendly name instead of GTA02

Is it right?


also all the drivers got fixed just recently to reflect that original
naming scheme.

Neo1973 is a class of devices, not only one specific model.
gta01 and gta02 are models.
FreeRunner a synonym for gta02 release version

kind regards


Joachim Steiger
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