Hi everyone,

This is actually a recap of last week in the engineering department. I was away at SCALE and am busy catching up.

We received our first batch of 10 fully assembled GTA02 A5 boards. There are still some issues with the manufacturing test software that needs to be fixed before we start manufacturing.

John got some Processing apps to run on the phone. Performance could be improved with a good Java JIT and better glamo OpenGL support.

Wolfgang started the wiki page http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Prototypes to track hardware issues with any non-release hardware we are using internally or sending to people. You can track some progress here.

Allen found a GSM power leak in suspend mode. Matt and Allen are working to get this resolved.

Graeme got Qtopia to build via OE, and was able to make phone calls on a GTA01 using Qtopia.

The bottom line for A5 is that while we have not found a proven A5 hardware bug yet, we ran into a number of uncertainties. Our highest priorities now are to

 1. prove that suspend/resume and charging works
 2. prove that we can fix hardware quality issues (broken bluetooth,
    GPS, receiver)
 3. improve production testing software (microSD, suspend/resume)

We have added a full-time wiki editor. She has been publishing technical books for many years, and we look forward to improved organizing and appearance of all the great content on the wiki.

That's all for now.


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