What about a nice wiki page telling if you want to buy a neo where do you live and an email to contact? This could be useful to take the advantage to buy 10 neo at a time and then giving it to each one who was accorded. Let me explain, i want a neo, i'm from italy, near milan, marco (usual name here) live in milan and wants a neo too, (and so on for 10 people)... So pietro, marco and each other put an order together to minimize the cost of the neo, so everyone can get the neo at a smaller price.

This is only an idea and a usual thing that i do with my friends when buying something from US or other countries.

If someone find this useful can set up such a page? i don't know how to use a wiki (yes, i know, i should learn how to use it but now i don't want to do that :D)



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