Hi Michael,
Just had a read through the guide.. you've covered the topics that I'd be after (toolchain, sample app build and install)..
Looks good so far...

Neil Davey

Michael Shiloh wrote:
Since Steve dropped the hint that I've been working on a user guide of sorts for the Neo Freerunner, some of you have been asking me about it, so we've decided to push it to the website before it's really ready.

The intended audience is a reasonably technical developer, but a newcomer to the community, one that doesn't have the background that most of you have.

Furthermore, the guide is not intended to explain everything. It's just a way to get started. That's why I called it a quickstart guide.

The guide does not describe how to use the current applications. I expect they will change a lot, and anyway, most people receiving these early samples are more interested in developing their projects based on the Freerunner, and are less interested in using the device as their daily phone.

Finally, the web page is intentionally free of any decorations. At some point we will define a standard Openmoko appearance such as font, background color, etc., but for now it's just text. My normal tool for creating web pages is vi, and it shows, although I did try to use Open Office for this one.

As you will see, I have a lot more to fill in, but I would welcome your feedback on what is already there, and suggestions for topics you think should be included.

The quickstart guide can be found at



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