Dear all:
After one weeks great work.
Julien had release the new toolchain release.
please take a look of this Page.

Bobby Martin ??:

    From: Ian Darwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
    I did mention when I jumped in that I was talking about a slightly
    different problem than what you seem to be trying to solve. That

        Storing your MD5s will let you know *if* you are repeating a
        build. It will not (reasonably) let you repeat a build.

    You completely misunderstood what I said. Storing the file name,
    URL *and* its MD5 lets you be sure you are able to reproduce the
    build. And it's the only way you can (well, we actually use SHA's
    and RMD's in addition to MD5's).

If I misunderstood it, I still do. MD5 absolutely will not help you reproduce a build. It will only help you verify that your procedure (whatever it is) retrieved the same files. It won't help you find the correct file if the file you got was wrong.

    It does not guarantee to build *exactly* the same binary, but you
    can *never ever* make that guarantee in general because of changes
    to shared libraries (in the Java world you have a greater chance,
    but even then,
    even the smallest point upgrade to the JDK could in theory change
    the generated .class files), so there is really no point whatever
    using MD5's on generated binaries. None. I have no idea why Hudson
    bothers, if that's what it's using them for.

        You need some way of identifying the file you want to build
        *to the revision control system* (so you can download that
        version) if you want repeatable builds.

    In the case I'm talking about - where there are about 5,000
    different external programs from about 2,500 different sources -
    you don't even think about going to the revision control system (6
    or 8 different services over 2,000 different hosts). You can ONLY
    think in terms of
    ftp/http download of version-numbered tarballs. Period.

No, you MOSTLY think in terms of ftp/http download. For the projects on which you're doing work (at least) you absolutely go to the revision control system.

Are we talking about the same thing? I'm talking about a repeatable build so I can do development work, modifying existing code. To do that, you'd better work with the revision control system. Even if you don't have submit access (which the vast majority of devs probably shouldn't have), in some cases you have a RCS that supports creating smart diffs that you can send to someone to review & submit trivially (e.g. git or darcs) and in other cases you almost certainly want to submit a patch from the latest possible revision.

        MD5s sound nice to verify, if you don't trust your revision
        control system (or perhaps the admins ;-)

    See above for why revision control is completely irrelevant to us.

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