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By the way, when you shake the Freerunner, does it wake up if in suspend?

Arne Kristian Jansen schrieb:
| Or you could use the accelerometer to "wind"up the clock/snooze. Just shake it two times to snooze for 1 min more or something like it. And after each snooze you have to shake more and more to get the same snoozetime, i.e. for the second snooze you'd have to shake say four times to add one minute.
| - Arne Kristian
| 2008/5/13 Steven ** <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
|     I have a similar problem, but came up with a slightly different
|     approach.  I tend to snooze too much, so mine focuses on the snooze
|     button.
|     You'd start with 1 big snooze button that snoozes for x minutes.
|     After x minutes, alarm sounds again, but there are now two or three
|     buttons. Maybe you have to hit them in a particular order. Maybe pick
|     2 that are the right color. Snoozes for another x minutes.
|     Next, has a screen with 9 buttons (big enough to use with fingers).
|     The buttons flash (maybe play a sound) in a pattern. You have to
|     repeat the pattern to snooze again.
|     Etc
|     Have snooze time configurable. User enters comma-separated list. Last
|     number in list is repeated. Ie "10,9,5"
|     What do you think?
|     -Steven
|     On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Alexander Frøyseth
|     > Hello again
| > I just have an idea for an nice addon or software (call it what you want)
|     > to the alarmclock
|     >  Okey, let me tell a little story from real life.
|     >  Every day when I go to school, I have to wake up, and now I have 2
| > alarmclocks, but still I manage to oversleep. Soo what I was thinking about | > was that I have to solve a puzzle to turn the alarmclock off, and not just
|     > push a button. One possibility is a 4 bits jigsaw puzzle like this:
|     >
| > http://www.bimbambanana.com/index.php?p=Puzzle-alarm-clock-cool-gadgets&side=visProd&prod_id=21 | > another, and perhaps an more easy to make is that the screen shows fours | > digits that you have to click in right order to turn it off. Perhaps like an
|     > antibot test on websites.
|     >
| > I am more as an web programmer, so I isent so good to program software.
|     >
| > NOTE: You have to have the choice to turn this on and off when you sets the
|     > clock
| > Hope that someone think this is a good idea, and tries to program one.
|     >
|     >  Alexander Frøyseth
|     >
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