El Wednesday, 21 de May de 2008 16:00:58 Joseph Reeves va escriure:
> Dear all,
> I'm looking for some help getting Perl/Tk installed. I've had success
> getting Python installed and working with Tk, but can't get the same
> to happen with Perl:

I'm tryiing hve a functional CPAN module for the neo. I suspect that CPAND is 
not working in the neo dues to busybox gzip interface.

Almost all  perl-modules ipks in the openmoko repositories (official or not) 
are part of the perl core modules.Tk is not a Perl core component.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# perl -MTk -e 1
> Can't locate loadable object for module Tk::Event in @INC (@INC

It needs de perl-module-tk  it could be compiled with mokomakefile or whith 
bitbake there are recipes in monotone.openembedded.org. as shown in 


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  • Perl/Tk Joseph Reeves
    • Re: Perl/Tk Jose Luis Perez Diez

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