Hi guys,

Well, as some of you know I'm from México,
and I'm not being very succesfull about
making a group to buy a 10 pack. I'm sure
some of my friends will buy a Freerunner
when I show them what we can do with it,
but right now I almost alone here.

I was wondering if we could join LA, San
Diego groups and myself, wich right now
makes 3 + 5 + 2, as I'm willing to buy two
of them. That would make a 10 pack already.

I have a friend living in Tijuana and he
might go to San Diego to pick them up.He's
coming to the Mexico City, where I live, on
June 23th and it would be great if the store
opens before that, but if it doesn't we
might find a way to make this work.

Thanks for even considering this.

And thank you all for making this waiting as
fun and interesting as it has been. I'm not
sure about the words to use, but I just wanna
let you know that I've smiled (of joy) a lot
of times reading your posts. Some of them
have been with me for days and weeks. Some
of the things I've read here has surpiresed
me as very few things before.

Thank you very very very much.


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