[I trust this will not initiate a flame war.] Please?

iPhone v2 announced today. I'd like to understand
on a hardware basis ONLY (I grok the value of
free and open source) how does
the entry level $199 iPhone with 4GB
compare with Freerunner GTA02.

where I get lost is how much RAM iPhone
has vs Freerunner. I realize I can buy
high capacity microSD flash card to match
iPhone flash capacity

are these assertions correct?

Apple has:

-- 3G data [much faster than Freeruner's GPRS]
-- faster processor
-- larger physical screen size (but about the same  dpi?)
-- 2 megapixel camera
-- proximity sensor (knows when held to face, can dim screen)

the two smart phones are aprox equal on
-- wi-fi
-- accelerometer
-- bluetooth

Ron K. Jeffries
Openmoko community mailing list

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