On Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:07:40 +0200 Joerg Reisenweber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Am Di  10. Juni 2008 schrieb Carsten Haitzler:
> > On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 17:16:06 +0800 "Wilkinson, Alex"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:
> > 
> > >     0n Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 01:43:08PM +0800, Carsten Haitzler wrote: 
> > > 
> > >     >we are in a world where to get gfx support to run such high 
> resolutions
> > >     >means we need to have closed drivers. and that is not
> > > 
> > > Curious, why is that ?
> > 
> > graphics is the most intensive thing your device is likely to do in terms of
> > processing. if you want soft drop shadows, alpha blending (and trust me -
> > everyone is drooling for it out there - the iphone is doing it already) the
> No, I won't trust you here! I give a SH*T on soft shadows, even on my
> desktop. I switch off animation because I think it's annoying waste of time
> to see "the same movie" over and over. Alpha blending? Eeew! Useless.

the day the design mockups for the ui i see stop having alpha transparency is
the day i make this unimportant. until that day, your "i don't care about this"
is the kind of opinion that i also am not interested in, because i am being
shown ui designs hat REQUIRE it in the long run between windows, and in the
short term is being faked with software within windows. i am just trying to
make something possible that is being requested, and has been for a long time.
not just say "i don't care".

> Every single argument been mentioned multiple times here. Redundance. 
> GTA03 has VGA - period!

things can change - unlikely to be, but can. i have said it many times already.

> 04 even better i'd bet on it. 05 virtually no-one even thinking of now, not
> to mention sourceability of parts when it's coming to real.
> And now I'm definitely stopping to feed this tro.. er, thread, which btw
> seems nobody is looking on the weird subject any more :-/

Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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