Jay Vaughan wrote:
> Hi folks,
> What do you recommend I should run on my neo1973 these days, image- 
> wise?  I've been usually lagging way behind with keeping up to date  
> with Scaredycats releases, but I'm aware there are other images out  
> there making the rounds .. so what are your guys' experience with this  
> so far?  Is the ASU the one to run, for GPS and phone-call making, or  
> is there something better?

The scaredycat builds are the only one i find useful for my gta01.
ASU looks promesing, but does not work at all on my gta01.
And all other lack in features, tough they look all very promising too...
You will probably have many choices for the next time. Pick the one you 
like and works for you. ;)

> Right now I'd be very happy if I could get GPS working, for good, and  
> as well use the phone for calls .. mostly I've had it around to do  
> development work, but it seems that the image makers out there might  
> be pushing things in interesting territories already .. so how about  
> it folks, got a recommendation?
Both should be working on the scaredycat builds. But with in the future 
probably obsolete backends (gpsd and gsmd).

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