On 27 Jun 2008, at 16:56, Marcus Bauer wrote:

> On Fri, 2008-06-27 at 17:27 +0200, Francesco Cat wrote:
>> I must have missed something... Can you post some links to explain
>> what are the future plans for the Software Stack? Will GTK not be
>> present any more?
> Basically Openmoko has stopped the development of the GTK stack in  
> order
> to start a new stack called ASU. There are some 10.000 developers for
> GTK who can start any time making software for the Neo while there are
> very few developers for ASU, maybe 50. ASU is only used on the Neo ...

Am I right in understanding that the earlier software stack wrote GTK  
to the framebuffer, whereas the ASU required the incorporation of an  
X11 server to the image?


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