Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:
> indeed, especially since I see possibility for it to be twofold: if it
> is not purely an issue of SD card in place putting physical stress on
> the board somehow (would be worth checking with dummy plastic
> insert instead of real SD card), it means that 
I just ran three tests. Without SD card, with SD card with tape over the 
contacts, and SD card normally. This doesn't seem to be mechanical, 
since the first two cases got fixes in ~45 seconds, and with the SD card 
actually in and working I stopped waiting after 10 minutes.

It'll be interesting to see what removing the SD card does to the 
battery life, if anything.

> 1. either SD card is powered all the time (which afaik is not needed for
> the flash memory ;-)), thus leading to power drain without need
> 2. some component on the way (e.g. capacitor) is noisy
> and emitting EM noise/interference, thus again consuming power without
> need.
> Could anyone verify that power consumption is not changed considerably
> whenever SD card is in but not engaged, in comparison to whenever there
> is no SD card?
> On Tue, 15 Jul 2008, Jay Vaughan wrote:
>>> The problem only occurs if a SD card is set in. Doesn't matter if  
>>> it's mounted or in use, it just has to sit in the socket.
>> oh man, if this is true, its not good news.
>> ;

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