pe, 2008-07-18 kello 15:14 -0500, Hans L kirjoitti:
> On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 2:26 PM, Andrew Burgess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can the Freerunner make use of the class 6 speed?
> >
> > If not I'll go for the max size.
> According to
> Class 4 supports a minimum write speed of 4MB/s, and 6MB/s for class
> 6.  Not sure how fast the Freerunner is capable of writing though.

According to raster¹ the glamo (which is also the SD card controller)
bus speed is "7.3m/s" (I presume from context he means megabytes). This
with the cpu doing nothing else besides transferring data to or from the
card; thus in practice I don't think the class 4/6 distinction is going
to matter much on the FR. I would go for the size (and did, with my 8 GB
class 4 card).

But, I haven't experimented with the different classes, so grains of
salt and all.


Mikko Rauhala   - [EMAIL PROTECTED]     - <URL:>
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