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Somebody in the thread at some point said:
| Andy Green, 2008-07-20 18:50:02 +0100 :
|> Thanks for this report, I went and looked and found I didn't take
|> care of the case where last packet transferred was not a bulk read
|> packet: that what happens on resume.  I added a patch to stable
|> branch that should be out tomorrow hopefully and give the same
|> SD_CLK performance with or without resumes.
| Based on a handful of tests, and without tweaking the new parameter, I
| can confirm that the GPS problem seems fixed for me, even after

Great... an aside from your email, I think this Debian stuff on
Freerunner rocks... it's a working distro port that does not need Open
Embedded, I only wish I heard about it earlier: evidently my fault for
missing it.

When I get some time I will try to bring X up on it and get a feel for
just how "heavy" the real deal is on this platform, but regardless
having a full proper OS on there obviously meets some usage cases for
this device already.

Before that I will also try to meddle around and install some more
packages like wpa_supplicant on that default install and publish an SD
image somewhere so it is easier to try, assuming this doesn't make
license trouble (and it didn't exist already).

|   Now this gets me wondering whether the Freerunner could sustain an
| Openstreetmap editor for realtime map-making :-)

Somebody did some work in this direction but I don't have the URL.

- -Andy
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