On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 12:39:32PM +1000, Lorn Potter wrote:
> Qtopia runs the /opt/Qtopia/bin/ppp-network script. 

Ok, now I know where to look.

> I have fixed a few things I could see, but 
> haven't yet tested:
> ==== //depot/qtopia/main/devices/ficgta01/src/devtools/scripts/ppp-network#2 
> (xtext) ====
> 24c24
> < RESOLVCONF="/mnt/user/etc/resolv.conf"
> ---
>  > RESOLVCONF="/etc/resolv.conf"
> 68c68,70
> <             mkdir /etc/ppp/peers
> ---
>  >             if [ ! -e /etc/ppp/peers ]; then
>  >                 mkdir /etc/ppp/peers
>  >              fi
> 100c102
> <     $PPPD $* &
> ---
>  >     "$PPPD" "$*" &

Just from looking at it: it must be 

        "$PPPD" $@ &


"$*" will not fix it, the concat of all arguments will be passed as the
first and only.

Had to look up these things myself again. ;)


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