Steven Kurylo wrote:

I just installed the latest tangogps (0.9.2-r1) on 2008.8.  Several
GUI widgets aren't drawing properly, which were fine on other

On the bottom left hand corner I see "maps" but none of the other tabs
to the right are shown, its black.  However if I tap in the black
area, the page loads properly (trip, config, etc).  If I'm on the trip
page, I can see the trip tab, but the rest are black.

On the map page, the "fullscreen" button on the top is cut off.  I
also can't see the autocenter button.

Is this happening to other people with 2008.8?

Yes, the gtk theme is a bit buggy, attached my own fixed gtkrc which reduces the inner button borders to a reasonable size and fixes the background colour of inactive notebook tabs.

 This makes both tangogps and some other GTK apps much more usable.

You can either install it by overwriting /usr/share/themes/Moko/gtk-2.0/gtkrc or I think by sticking it in ~/.gtkrc-2.0

# Moko GTK+ theme
# Copyright 2007 OpenedHand Ltd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Based on OpenedHand's Sato GTK+ Theme
# This theme uses several style properties introduced in GTK+ 2.10
# black: #333333
# orange: #ff7d00

gtk-button-images = 0
gtk-menu-images = 0
gtk-icon-sizes = 

# Set the default gtk-color-scheme property
gtk_color_scheme = 

style "default"

  xthickness = 2
  ythickness = 2

  GtkButton::default_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}
  GtkButton::focus-line-width = 0
  GtkCheckButton::indicator-size = 35
  GtkCheckButton::indicator-spacing = 5
  GtkCheckMenuItem::indicator_size = 18
  GtkEntry::inner_border = {10, 10, 10, 10}
  GtkFrame::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
  GtkPaned::handle-size = 16
  GtkRange::slider-width = 28
  GtkRange::trough_border = 0
  GtkScale::slider-length = 56
  GtkScrollbar::has_backward_stepper = 1
  GtkScrollbar::has_forward_stepper = 1
  GtkScrollbar::has_secondary_backward_stepper = 1
  GtkScrollbar::has_secondary_forward_stepper = 1
  GtkScrollbar::slider_width = 30
  GtkScrollbar::stepper_size = 26
  GtkScrollbar::stepper_spacing = 0
  GtkSpinButton::shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_NONE
  GtkTreeView::allow_rules = 1
  GtkTreeView::even_row_color = "#fff"
  GtkTreeView::odd_row_color = "#e7e7e7"
  GtkTreeView::vertical_separator = 6
  GtkWidget::focus_line_width = 2
  GtkWidget::focus_padding = 0
  GtkWidget::scroll-arrow-vlength = 48
  GtkWidget::scroll-arrow-hlength = 48

  MokoDialerTextview::large_font = 20
  MokoDialerTextview::medium_font = 15
  MokoDialerTextview::medium_font = 15
  MokoDialerTextview::small_font = 10

  fg [NORMAL] = @fg_color
  fg [PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
  fg [ACTIVE] = @selected_fg_color
  fg [INSENSITIVE] = @fg_color
  fg [SELECTED] = @selected_fg_color

  bg [NORMAL] = @bg_color
  bg [PRELIGHT] = @bg_color
  bg [ACTIVE] = @selected_bg_color
  bg [INSENSITIVE] = lighter (@bg_color)
  bg [SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color

  text [NORMAL] = @text_color
  text [PRELIGHT] = @text_color
  text [SELECTED] = @text_color
  text [ACTIVE] = @text_color

  base [NORMAL] = @base_color
  base [SELECTED] = @selected_bg_color
  base [ACTIVE] = @base_color

  engine "moko-engine" {
    border = TRUE

class "GtkWidget" style "default"

style "reversed"
  bg[NORMAL] = @fg_color
  fg[NORMAL] = @bg_color

  bg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
  fg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color
widget_class "*GtkButton*" style "reversed"

style "button"
  GtkButton::inner_border = {1, 1, 1, 1}
  engine "moko-engine" {
    border = TRUE
    gradient = TRUE
class "GtkButton" style "button"

style "button-colors" {
  bg[NORMAL] = "#333"
  fg[NORMAL] = "#fff"

  bg[PRELIGHT] = "#333"
  fg[PRELIGHT] = "#fff"
widget_class "GtkButton*" style "button-colors"

style "treeview-header" {

  # inner-border was added in GTK+ 2.10
  GtkButton::inner_border = {0, 0, 0, 0}

  bg[NORMAL] = "#eee"
  fg[NORMAL] = "#000"

  bg[PRELIGHT] = "#eee"
  fg[PRELIGHT] = "#000"

  engine "moko-engine" {
    border = FALSE
    gradient = TRUE
widget_class "*GtkTreeView.GtkButton*" style "treeview-header"

style "combo" {
  bg[NORMAL] = @selected_bg_color
  text[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color

  bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color
  text[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color

  engine "moko-engine" {
    gradient = TRUE
widget_class "*Combo*" style "combo"

style "toolbar"
  GtkToolbar::internal_padding = 0
  xthickness = 0
  ythickness = 0

  engine "moko-engine" {
    gradient = TRUE
    border = FALSE
class "GtkToolbar" style "toolbar"
class "GtkToolbar" style "reversed"

style "toolitem"
  xthickness = 12
  ythickness = 12

  bg[NORMAL] = @selected_bg_color
  fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color

  # toolbar colours are reversed
  bg[PRELIGHT] = @fg_color
  fg[PRELIGHT] = @bg_color

  engine "moko-engine" {
    gradient = TRUE
    border = FALSE
widget_class "*Tool*GtkToggleButton" style "toolitem"
widget_class "*Tool*GtkButton" style "toolitem"

style "notebook"
  xthickness = 0
  ythickness = 0

  # For notebookes, NORMAL is used for the active tab and ACTIVE is used for
  # ther other tabs
  bg[NORMAL] = @selected_bg_color
  fg[NORMAL] = @selected_fg_color

  # inactive tabs are in "reversed" colours
  fg[ACTIVE] = @fg_color
  bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color
class "GtkNotebook" style "notebook"

style "menu"
  engine "moko-engine" {
    gradient = FALSE
    border = TRUE
class "GtkMenu" style "menu"

style "menubar"
  engine "moko-engine" {
    gradient = TRUE
class "GtkMenuBar" style "menubar"
widget_class "*GtkMenuBar*" style "reversed"

style "menuitem"
  xthickness = 8
  ythickness = 8

  bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color
  fg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_fg_color

  engine "moko-engine" {
    gradient = TRUE
    border = FALSE
widget_class "*MenuItem*" style "menuitem"

style "scrollbar"
  bg[NORMAL] = @selected_bg_color
  bg[PRELIGHT] = @selected_bg_color

  engine "moko-engine" {
    border = TRUE
class "GtkScrollbar" style "scrollbar"

include "matchboxpanel"
include "openmoko-calculator"
include "openmoko-contacts"
include "openmoko-dialer"
include "openmoko-panel-plugins"

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