I am afraid I am going to have to delete 2008.8 and forget it ever
existed.  Despite very little of it working, I was giving it a go but I
just had a bug I raised on the keyboard closed with "works for me"
saying in effect they are only willing to work on the existing keyboard
and its working as designed, so there isnt a problem and no changes/new
keyboard alternatives are needed.  Basicly learn to use it as is, as
this is all we are getting with 2008.8

As 2008.8 looks like it was an interim release until FSO is ready,
developers for the FR might like to look at the reasons this bug (#1778)
was closed and then consider bringing the FSO to a usable state faster.
It already has more functionality than 2008.8 as released.  To me its
looking like 2008.8 is still born and wont be going anywhere fast, by
the intention of the designers.

disappointed :(

William Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Home in Perth!

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